The president of the Industrial Courts Raphael Sebugwaawo Amooti, was killed by State Research Bureau officers on 13th March 1978.
Court verdicts were not respected by the security forces. Any lawyer who successfully defended a client in whom security men were interested was in trouble. Not onliy was the verdict ignored by the security forces but the lawyer could also be arrested. Enos Sebunnya is a case in point. In 1973 he successfully defended a businessman, Samson Ddungu, who was acquitted against the wishes of a security man who had an interest in Ddungu's business. Ddungu was shot dead and Enos Sebunnya was arrested and trotured. he later left the country and went to live in Canada.

"Disappearances" were the most visible manifestation of the absence of rule of law. People were arrested or abducted and killed outside established legal structures. The Government became the major law breaker in the country and bad elements in society followed.
On Aug, 5, 1972, Amin was in Soroti & stayed over night there. That’s when he ‘d a dream whereby Allah told him to get rid of British Asians. On Sat. eve, Amin made the announcement about his dream.
On Mon. Aug. 8, ’72, he signed a decree in parliament where he informed his cabinet about his dream/decision. Br. Asians were given 3 months/till Nov. 9, ’72, to leave Uganda. Evidently, Amin was pissed off at Britain who did not give him any aid to Uganda earlier. He wanted to get even with Britain. Also, Asians had the economy of the country in their hands. That also was a contributory factor for his decision.
I strongly advise to check out the facts in the Uganda Argus daily newspaper of Uganda then. They would have complete report about this event.
I’m sure there must be other contributory factors involved in Amins’ decision to get rid of Br. Asians, but not what Jaffers claims to be the reason.